Let the arrival of winter in Syracuse be the catalyst that helps you finally contact a lawyer to tackle the estate planning documents you have been ignoring and call the Hobaica Law Office.
Fall is, without a doubt, one of the most stunning seasons to stroll or drive around central New York. The streets of Syracuse are no exception, with the mix of yellow and red-leafed maples gracing the city with color. At least until winter comes knocking.
But fall is always too brief, and winter always arrives too soon. Before we know it, the leaves have fallen, and the snow begins to fall. Life can be a bit like autumn in Central New York. Vibrant and beautiful, then over before we know it. But like those who painstakingly preserve the most beautiful autumn leaves or take pictures of the trees in the parks of Syracuse, it is possible for you to preserve what you can of the wealth of your life for those you leave behind.
This is the work of estate planning lawyers like Peter Hobaica. The estate planning attorneys of his law firm help you put your affairs in order so that if winter arrives early, as it sometimes does in Syracuse, the wealth of assets you have accumulated will be preserved for your family and loved ones.
No season is too early to start planning your estate, and any season can be too late. But winter is a chilling reminder of impermanence, and while you stay inside and enjoy the warmth, it is a great time to start or update your estate planning. Here are some reasons to do that now rather than wait.
Like the winter blizzards of ‘66 or ‘93 that paralyzed the city of Syracuse, life-altering events can arrive when you least expect it. Similarly to the effect 40 inches of snow can have on the city and its infrastructure, an accident can incapacitate you just as quickly as killing you. Leaving you unable to care for yourself or make decisions about your assets.
A lawyer will ensure that your estate plan covers contingencies and plans for such eventualities. From medical powers of attorney and a living will that will protect your family from having to fight over difficult decisions to a trust set up to cover the management of your affairs and payment of your medical needs, estate planning offers a number of tools to ensure basic functions are maintained. Just like the city does now for blizzards.
Have you ever stored your car on the street during the snow season? Getting it buried in snow pushed up by a plow or having it crushed by a falling branch is a risk you don’t want to take. Estate planning is like storing your assets in your garage instead of the street.
A will can keep the government from deciding how to distribute your wealth and belongings. Passing on your assets through certain kinds of trusts can keep them from being accessed by creditors, including those of the family you plan to pass them down to. Just two of the many ways your attorney will help you build the perfect garage around your legacy to keep it safe from both the state and misfortune.
While these days, tough Syracuse winters can pass by in comfortably controlled climates, the animals and first tribes and settlers of Central New York had to do a lot of preparation to get through the long winter months. Like a bear feasting to hibernate for winter.
For example, you can, with careful preparation and the help of a lawyer, arrange your wealth and assets to qualify for long-term medical care through Medicaid. Such measures are invaluable when you do not know for how many years your winter may last to make sure you will not be a burden on your family while you dwindle.
You might get a gift card from a cousin or nephew you do not know too well, but most close family members prefer to put at least some effort into what they give you. Estate planning is the ultimate gift, and it should be uniquely adapted to your situation, your family's needs, and your preferences.
Anyone can pick up a generic gift card or throw together something tangentially resembling an estate plan online. But your family and your legacy deserve more than such a one-size-fits-all approach. An attorney offers a personalized plan adapted perfectly to your estate to maximize its effectiveness and the impact on the loved ones and causes for whom it is ultimately left behind.
Hobaica Law Office| Central New York lawyers are ready to help you pass on your wealth and legacy this winter by preparing estate planning documents while you still can.
We can see seasons coming but never know too far ahead when they will arrive. Life is similarly unpredictable, so all we can do is prepare and plan ahead. Estate planning is your way to ensure that when the time comes, you, your family, and your assets will all be ready and handled according to your wishes.
But it only works if you set it up in time. It can be tempting to ignore the first chills or the first falling leaves, but the truth is, you’ll sleep better at night knowing that no matter what, you are ready.
So reach out to local estate planning lawyers at Hobaica Law Office by calling (315) 627-2800 | (607) 601-1621 today to get started on your estate plan while you can.