What you can learn from this article: Important things you should consider when buying real estate in New York. The costs and taxes associated with buying property in New York. Why you should hire a lawyer when buying property. What Important Things Should You Consider When Buying Real Estate In New York? Buying real estate in a busy market like New York can be challenging and confusing. Knowing what to look out for can make a huge difference and make the property purchase process easier. One of the most crucial things you should know when buying property in New York is that you should receive a clear title to the property. The title should be free from the following: Liens Encumbrances Previous interests that were missed in prior transfers of the property You can ensure this by having your lawyer…Read More

The estate planning process is a crucial part of organizing your assets. The decisions you will make in the process will affect the future disposition of your property and who, how, and when your assets will be distributed. In this article, we will discuss: What you can include in your will during estate planning. The different ways to plan your estate to serve your intended outcome. How an estate planning attorney can help you with the will creation process. What Is Estate Planning In Simplified Terms? Estate planning is the process used to distribute your assets and your property at the time of death with the help of an attorney to avoid leaving the fate of your property in the hands of the state. An example of estate planning is a will, which distributes your property to the persons and…Read More

What you will learn from this article: The myths and truths about Chapter Seven bankruptcy. How filing for bankruptcy can affect mortgage and car financing in the future. How filing for bankruptcy can affect your spouse. Can Filing For Chapter Seven Bankruptcy Prevent You From Qualifying For A Mortgage? Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not necessarily prevent you from qualifying for a mortgage in New York. Financial institutions such as credit unions, smaller banks, and local lenders may look at your entire situation and extend you a mortgage, depending on your circumstances. Lenders may consider factors such as the reason for filing for bankruptcy and whether you have kept up with payments from recent creditors. They will also consider whether you have enough security, and if you do, they will likely provide financing. Can You Still Get A Car…Read More

In This article, you will learn: What to say and not to say to the other driver and law enforcement at the accident scene. How soon you should hire a personal injury attorney. How to maximize your chances of compensation after an accident. Should You Talk To The Other Driver After An Accident? Even in the shocking circumstances of a car accident, your human instincts will often kick in. You may want to know if the driver and occupants in the other car are safe, if anyone has been injured, and whether emergency services have been contacted. It’s a natural human reaction. However, you should avoid talking about the details of the accident, and most importantly, you should not admit liability. By admitting fault, it will be difficult, if not impossible to get the other drivers insurance company to make…Read More

Finding The Right Attorney When a prospective client is considering hiring a personal injury lawyer, there are several important questions they should ask to ensure they are choosing the right attorney for their needs. The following questions will help you find an attorney who not only has the right skill set and experience but also aligns with your expectations for communication and case management. How Long Have You Been at This? Experience can make or break a personal injury case. Know the length and depth of a lawyer's experience in handling cases similar to theirs before you hire them. What Do You Think About My Case? This question is different from asking about the case's potential value. It will help you gauge the lawyer's honest assessment of your situation and whether they feel confident in handling your case. What's Your…Read More

Seeking Medical Treatment Seeking medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident is critically important for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that any injuries are properly documented from the outset. This documentation is vital because it establishes a direct link between the accident and the injuries sustained, which is essential for building a strong personal injury case. Even if you feel fine immediately after an accident, it's important to pay attention to your body in the hours and days that follow. Some injuries, such as whiplash or internal injuries, may not be immediately apparent but symptoms can develop later. By seeking medical attention promptly, you are far more likely to identify these injuries early and prevent them from worsening. Another key reason to seek immediate medical care is that it strengthens the credibility of your claim. Insurance…Read More

Calculating Personal Injury Damages Calculating personal injury damages is not a straightforward formula. It depends heavily on the unique details and facts of your case. One of the critical factors is the extent and nature of your injuries, which are often detailed in medical records. These records provide a comprehensive view of the physical, emotional, and financial impact the injury has had on your life. Another important factor is the ability of your attorney to effectively and persuasively advocate for you. This involves not only a deep understanding of the law but also the ability to persuasively present your case to insurance adjusters, judges, or juries. The strength of your case can often hinge on the evidence collected, such as witness testimonies, expert opinions, and documentation of medical treatments and related expenses. In practice, personal injury cases can encounter various…Read More

Common Questions And Misconceptions By far, the question I most frequently am asked by prospective and actual clients is, How much is my case worth? It might come off as a little blunt, but I like to compare this to asking, How long is a rope? because it’s impossible to know without seeing both ends—that is, the start and conclusion of the case. The value of a case can’t be accurately determined until I have fully understood your injuries, the impact on your life, any residual physical or emotional issues you may face after the accident, or any long-term consequences you otherwise experience. In line with this, one of the most common misconceptions is that personal injury cases have a much higher value than they actually do. I wish people understood that the legal process in personal injury cases is a journey.…Read More